Lochlain Jain
Mon 30 Sep 2019, 15:00 - 17:00
Violet Laidlaw Room, 6th Floor, CMB

If you have a question about this talk, please contact: Lukas Engelmann (lengelma)

Image for In the Same Vein: The Hepatitis B Vaccine and America’s Dirty  Blood

Co-hosted with the Edinburgh Centre for Medical Anthropology


The talk will track two parallel stories. First, the practices of industrial blood extraction and trade that led to exploding rates of hepatitis B circulation will  be contextualized in light of the enabling legal, medical, and regulatory conditions. Second, the development of the hepatitis B vaccine will be explored focusing in particular on the trials of the 1970s. I analysis how varied and shifting rhetorics  of class, sexuality, and criminality played out in the medical and social understandings of hepatitis B in ways that consistently downplayed its seriousness, and set the path for how an emerging HIV was articulated as disease in the early 1980s.

The event is co-hosted with the Edinburgh Centre for Medical Anthropology

Lochlain Jain is a Medical Anthropologist at Standford University and King's College London