Imre Demhardt (School for Advanced Study, London)
Thu 12 Mar 2015, 15:30 - 17:00
Old Library Drummond Street

If you have a question about this talk, please contact: Claire MacDonnell (clairema)

It might not be political correct today, but in nineteenth century exploration men made history and maps. And one of their favoured playgrounds was the Arctic with the ultimate quest for the North Pole.  Taking August Petermann (1822-78) - eminent cartographer, journal editor, gate keeper of geographical exploration in his time and, last but not least, in 1845-47 with Edinburgh's own cartographic firm W.&A.K.Johnston - as pilot and cartographic chronicler the lecture navigates through the polar regions from renewed interest in the Northwest Passage in the 1810s to the most disputed 'conquest' of the Pole in 1908/09.