Haileigh Robertson, National Museum of Scotland
Mon 24 Sep 2018, 15:30 - 17:00
Staff Room, 6th Floor, Crystal Macmillan Building

If you have a question about this talk, please contact: Lukas Engelmann (lengelma)


The technologies of energy and power have long been a mainstay of the collections of National Museums Scotland. Curators have always acquired what was cutting-edge at any given time, leading to the establishment of a collection of objects ranging from a Boulton and Watt engine and early internal combustion engines, through to smart meters, tidal turbines, and objects representing shifting position of the oil and gas industries. These collections are used in displays and exhibitions, as research resources for visiting scholars, and as a conduit for STEM Engagement activities. We focus on energy owing to its long-standing and continued relevance in Scottish culture, politics and economics, and we connect these overarching narratives to the stories and experiences of everyday energy usage as a way of directly engaging with a broad range of visitors.

Haileigh Robertson is Curator of Technology at the National Museum of Scotland