Wanissa Matcha and Amos Storkey
Tue 10 Oct 2017, 11:00 - 12:00
IF 4.31/4.33

If you have a question about this talk, please contact: Gareth Beedham (gbeedham)

Wannisa Matcha

Title: Beyond Data Presentation: Learning Analytics to Uncover Learning Strategies and the Influences of Feedback


Abstract: Self-regulated learning is one of the most important skills for learning in the digital age. Good self-regulated learners apply effective learning strategies. Feedback is a driving force behind the selection of learning strategies. However, self-generated feedback is often not accurate. Therefore, feedback provided externally (e.g., by

instructors) can be recognize students’ learning situation and influence the adoption of (effective) learning strategies. However, there is no holistic understanding on how to administer feedback for a large cohort class. Moreover, current methods used to capture learning strategies (i.e., self-reports) are insufficient and often susceptible to different types of biases. By applying learning analytics methods to analyse trace data about interacting with learning resources in real class setting, we aim to provide evidence on how students unfold their learning strategies over time and how feedback influences their choices of learning strategy. At the end of this study, we aim to provide a guideline on how to address feedback to promote adoption of positive learning strategies and therefore enhance the self-regulated learning process.


Amos Storkey

Details to follow